Thank you for your interest in becoming an egg donor.  You can learn all about the process and treatments for donating eggs on the egg donor page.  Donors must be between the ages of 21 and 30, don’t smoke, and healthy.  Once you have read the information about donating your eggs you may click the link at the bottom of this page to start your application.

The link will take you to page where you complete a screening questionnaire.   Please review the questions carefully.  You will need to answer all of the questions or your screening questionnaire may be rejected.  After submitting the screening questionnaire, the answers will be reviewed by California IVF.  If you are eligible, you will receive an email directing you to complete the full application.

  • The application will take 45 to 60 minutes to complete
  • You may log out and return to the survey at a later time using the login and password provided
  • You will need to be thorough and accurate.  Please call your family members if you need help with family history
  • Incomplete answers may delay or disqualify your application.
  • You will need to provide your Social Security Number for tax purposes (please bring your card to your first appointment)
  • You will need to attach at least 2 photographs.  Please do not send photos of other individuals.  You may use for online photo editing.
  • Select photographs carefully as this is very important to recipients looking for a donor.
  • Overly posed pictures, group pictures, or pictures with altered facial expressions will not be accepted. 

After submitting your application, it may take several weeks for the profile to be approved or denied.  Once your profile is entered into the list of available donors, the matching process may take weeks to months.  Not everyone that is accepted will be matched by a recipient couple.  We may verify your desire to remain in the program at various intervals in the future.  Please contact us at any time that you wish to be removed from the donor program.

Thank you for your interest in donating your eggs.

Apply Now to Become an Egg Donor